Library Nom_Struct_congr

Require Export Nom_Bisimulation.

Inductive struct_congr {V : Set} : binary (proc V) :=
| sc_par_assoc : P Q R, struct_congr (P // (Q // R)) ((P // Q) // R)
| sc_par_assoc_rev : P Q R, struct_congr ((P // Q) // R) (P // (Q // R))
| sc_par_comm : P Q, struct_congr (P // Q) (Q // P)
| sc_par_nil : P, struct_congr (P // PO) P
| sc_par_nil_conv : P, struct_congr P (P // PO)
| sc_scope: a P Q, a `notin` fn Q struct_congr (nu a, (P // Q)) ((nu a, P) // Q)
| sc_scope_rev: a P Q, a `notin` fn Q struct_congr ((nu a, P) // Q) (nu a, (P // Q))
| sc_nu_nil : a, struct_congr (nu a, PO) PO
| sc_nu_nil_rev : a, struct_congr PO (nu a, PO)
| sc_nu_nu : a b P, struct_congr (nu a, (nu b, P)) (nu b, (nu a, P))
| sc_nil : struct_congr PO PO
| sc_var : x, struct_congr (pr_var x) (pr_var x)
| sc_par : P Q P' Q', struct_congr P Q struct_congr P' Q'
                                               struct_congr (P // P') (Q // Q')
| sc_inp : a P Q, @struct_congr (incV V) P Q struct_congr (a? P) (a? Q)
| sc_out : a P Q P' Q', struct_congr P Q struct_congr P' Q'
                                                  struct_congr (a!(P) P') (a!(Q) Q')
| sc_nu : a P Q, struct_congr P Q struct_congr (nu a, P)(nu a, Q)
| sc_aeq : P Q, P=A=Q struct_congr P Q
| sc_trans : P Q R, struct_congr P Q struct_congr Q R struct_congr P R

Notation "P =sc= Q" := (struct_congr P Q) (at level 70, no associativity).

Hint Constructors struct_congr:sc.

Lemma sc_refl {V : Set} : P, @struct_congr V P P.
Proof. induction P; auto with sc. Qed.

Lemma sc_symmetric {V : Set} : (P Q:proc V),
    struct_congr P Q struct_congr Q P.
  intros P Q H. induction H; eauto with sc. apply aeq_sym in H. eauto with sc.

Lemma sc_genNu {V:Set}: L (P Q:proc V), struct_congr P Q
    struct_congr (genNu L P) (genNu L Q).
  induction L; simpl; auto with sc.

Lemma fn_sc : V (P Q : proc V), struct_congr P Q fn P [=] fn Q.
Proof. intros. induction H; simpl; try fsetdec. apply aeq_fn. auto.

Lemma swap_struct_congr : V b c (P Q : proc V), struct_congr P Q
    struct_congr (swap b c P) (swap b c Q).
  intros. gen b c. induction H; simpl; intros; try solve [auto with sc];
    try solve [constructor; simpl_swap];
    apply sc_trans with (swap b c Q); auto with sc.

Lemma swap_struct_congr' : V b c (P Q : proc V),
    struct_congr (swap b c P) (swap b c Q) struct_congr P Q.
Proof. intros. rewrite <- (swap_invo _ b c P). rewrite <- (swap_invo _ b c Q).
  apply swap_struct_congr. auto.

Hint Resolve sc_refl sc_aeq sc_symmetric sc_genNu:sc.

Add Parametric Relation (V:Set) : (proc V) (@struct_congr V)
    reflexivity proved by (@sc_refl V)
    symmetry proved by (@sc_symmetric V)
    transitivity proved by (@sc_trans V)
      as aeq_eq_rel.

Add Parametric Morphism (V:Set) (a:name): (pr_nu a)
    with signature (@struct_congr V) ==> (@struct_congr V)
      as nu_sc_morphism.
Proof. intros; constructor; auto. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism (V:Set) L: (genNu L)
    with signature (@struct_congr V) ==> (@struct_congr V)
      as genNu_sc_morphism.
Proof. intros. apply sc_genNu; auto. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism (V:Set) (a:name): (pr_inp a)
    with signature (@struct_congr (incV V)) ==> (@struct_congr V)
      as inp_sc_morphism.
Proof. intros; constructor; auto. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism (V:Set) (a:name): (pr_snd a)
    with signature (@struct_congr V) ==> (@struct_congr V) ==> (@struct_congr V)
      as snd_sc_morphism.
Proof. intros; constructor; auto. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism (V:Set): (@pr_par V)
    with signature (@struct_congr V) ==> (@struct_congr V) ==> (@struct_congr V)
      as par_sc_morphism.
Proof. intros; constructor; auto. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism (V:Set): (fn)
    with signature (@struct_congr V) ==> (Equal)
      as fn_sc_morphism.
Proof. intros. apply fn_sc; auto. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism (V:Set) b c : (swap b c)
    with signature (@struct_congr V) ==> (@struct_congr V)
      as swap_sc_morphism.
Proof. intros. apply swap_struct_congr; auto. Qed.

Instance subrel_aeq_sc (V:Set):
  subrelation (@aeq V) (@struct_congr V).
Proof. intros_all. apply sc_aeq; auto. Qed.

Lemma sc_mapV: (V W:Set) P Q (f:V W), @struct_congr V P Q
     @struct_congr W (mapV f P) (mapV f Q).
  intros. gen W. induction H; simpl; auto with sc.
  - intros. apply sc_scope. simpl_swap.
  - intros. apply sc_scope_rev. simpl_swap.
  - intros. constructor. apply aeq_mapV. auto.
  - eauto with sc.

Lemma sc_liftV: (V W:Set) (f:V proc W) (g:V proc W),
    ( x, @struct_congr W (f x) (g x))
    ( x, @struct_congr (incV W) (liftV f x) (liftV g x)).
  intros. destruct x; simpl; auto with sc.
  apply sc_mapV. auto with sc.

Lemma sc_bind_1: (V W:Set) (P : proc V) N (f:V proc W) (g:V proc W),
    ( x, @struct_congr W (f x) (g x))
    @struct_congr W (bind f N P) (bind g N P).
  intros V'' W P''. gen W. apply size_induction with (x:=P'').
  intros V P IH; intros. destruct P; unfold bind; simpl in *; foldbind;
  try solve [apply H]; try solve [constructor; try apply IH; try nat_math; auto;
  try fsetdec; try intro; auto].
  - constructor. apply IH. nat_math. intro. apply× sc_liftV. intro; auto.
  - destruct atom_fresh. apply sc_nu. foldbind. apply IH.
    + rewrite swap_size_eq. nat_math.
    + intro; auto.

Hint Resolve sc_bind_1 sc_liftV sc_mapV:sc.

Lemma bind_para_simpl : V W (P Q : proc V) (f : V proc W) N,
    bind f N (P//Q) = bind f N P // bind f N Q.
Proof. intros. unfold bind. simpl. foldbind. auto. Qed.

Lemma sc_bind_2: (V W:Set) (P Q : proc V) N (f:V proc W),
    @struct_congr V P Q fn P [<=] N ( x, fn (f x) [<=] N)
    @struct_congr W (bind f N P) (bind f N Q).
Proof. intros. gen W N. induction H; simpl; intros;
  repeat rewrite bind_para_simpl; try solve [auto with sc]; unfold bind;
  simpl in *; repeat destruct atom_fresh; foldbind; try solve [auto with sc].

  - assert (fn Q [<=] N) by fsetdec.
    assert (swap a x Q =A= Q). { destruct (x==a); subst.
      simpl_swap. apply aeq_swap_indep; auto. } rewrite sc_scope_rev.
    constructor. apply sc_par; auto with sc. apply sc_aeq.
    rewrites (>>aeq_bind_3 (swap a x Q) Q); auto. fsetdec.
    apply aeq_bind_2; try fsetdec; intro; rewrite H1; fsetdec.
    rewrite fn_bind; try rewrite H3; auto.

  - assert (fn Q [<=] N) by fsetdec.
    assert (swap a x Q =A= Q). { destruct (x==a); subst.
      simpl_swap. apply aeq_swap_indep; auto. } rewrite sc_scope_rev.
    constructor. apply sc_par; auto with sc. apply sc_aeq.
    rewrites (>>aeq_bind_3 (swap a x Q) Q); auto. fsetdec.
    apply aeq_bind_2; try fsetdec; intro; rewrite H1; fsetdec.
    rewrite fn_bind; try rewrite H3; auto.

  - destruct (a==b); subst; try reflexivity. assert (xx0) by fsetdec.
    apply sc_trans with (swap x x0 (nu x, ( nu x0, ( bind f (add x0 (add x N))
      (swap (swap_aux a x b) x0 (swap a x P)))))). apply sc_aeq. symmetry.
      apply aeq_swap_indep; simpl; fsetdec.
    simpl. simpl_swap. rewrite sc_nu_nu. constructor. constructor.
    assert (fn (swap (swap_aux a x b) x0 (swap a x P)) [<=] add x0 (add x N)).
      { clears W. simpl_swap_aux; intro; intro; simpl_swap in H1;
        simpl_swap_aux×. 6:destruct (a0==x0); subst.
        7:enough (a0 `in` N) by fsetdec; clears x x0.
        all:fsetdec. }
    rewrite swap_bind_f_indep; auto; try solve [intros; rewrite H1; fsetdec].
    assert ((swap_fs x x0 (add x0 (add x N))) [=] (add x0 (add x N))).
      { symmetry; apply swap_fs_in; fsetdec. } simpl_swap in H2.
    rewrites (>>aeq_bind_2 (swap_fs x x0 (add x0 (add x N))) (add x0 (add x N)));
      try solve [intros; rewrite H1; try rewrite H3; fsetdec].
    rewrite <- H3. simpl_swap. simpl_swap.
    apply sc_aeq. symmetry. apply aeq_bind_3. rewrite <- H3. simpl_swap.
    simpl_swap_aux*; simpl_swap.
    + rewrite swap_sym. rewrite shuffle_swap; auto. rewrite swap_sym .
      rewrite (swap_sym _ b x0). reflexivity.
    + rewrite (swap_sym _ a x0 (swap a x P)). rewrite (shuffle_swap _ x0 a x); auto.
      rewrite (swap_sym _ x x0). rewrite swap_sym. simpl_swap.
    + destruct (a==x0); destruct (b==x0); subst; simpl_swap. fsetdec.
      × rewrite (swap_sym _ b x0). rewrite shuffle_swap; auto.
        rewrite (swap_sym _ x x0). simpl_swap. rewrite swap_sym. reflexivity.
      × rewrite (swap_equivariance _ x x0); simpl_swap_aux.
        rewrite (swap_sym _ x x0). reflexivity.
      × rewrite swap_indep; auto. rewrite (swap_equivariance _ x x0);
        simpl_swap_aux. rewrite (swap_equivariance _ x x0); simpl_swap_aux.
        rewrite (aeq_swap_indep _ x x0). reflexivity. auto.
        fsetdec. fsetdec.

  - constructor.
    apply IHstruct_congr1 ; auto; fsetdec.
    apply IHstruct_congr2 ; auto; fsetdec.

  - constructor. apply IHstruct_congr; auto.
    fsetdec. intros [|x]; simpl; simpl_swap; fsetdec.

  - unfold bind. simpl. foldbind. constructor. apply IHstruct_congr1; auto.
    fsetdec. apply IHstruct_congr2; auto. fsetdec.

  - constructor. apply (swap_struct_congr' _ a x). rewrite swap_bind.
      2:apply fnsaxp; auto. 2:intro; rewrite H1; fsetdec. simpl_swap.
    rewrite IHstruct_congr. 2:forwards: fnsaxp H0 n; simpl_swap in H2; simpl_swap.
      2:intro; simpl_swap; rewrite H1; fsetdec.
    rewrite swap_bind. simpl_swap. apply fnsaxp; auto.
      rewrites <- (>>fn_sc H). auto. intro; rewrite H1; fsetdec.

  - constructor. rewrite H in H0. apply aeq_bind_3; auto.

  - apply sc_trans with (bind f N Q). eauto with sc. apply IHstruct_congr2.
    rewrite <- H. auto. auto.


Lemma sc_bind: (V W:Set) (P Q : proc V) N (f:V proc W) (g:V proc W),
    @struct_congr V P Q fn P [<=] N ( x, fn (f x) [<=] N)
    ( x, @struct_congr W (f x) (g x))
    @struct_congr W (bind f N P) (bind g N Q).
Proof. intros. apply sc_trans with (bind f N Q).
  apply sc_bind_2; auto. apply sc_bind_1; auto.

Hint Resolve sc_bind:sc.

Lemma sc_nu_genNu {V:Set}: L a (P Q:proc V),
    struct_congr (genNu L (nu a, P)) (nu a, (genNu L P)).
Proof. intro L; gen V. induction L; intros; simpl; try reflexivity.
  rewrite IHL; auto. constructor.

Lemma sc_scope_genNu {V:Set}: L (P Q:proc V),
    inter (list_to_fs L) (fn Q) [=] empty
    struct_congr (genNu L (P//Q)) (genNu L P//Q).
Proof. induction L; intros; simpls; try reflexivity.
  rewrite IHL. constructor. all:fsetdec. Qed.

Lemma sc_appr_appl : F C, struct_congr (appr F C) (appl C F).
Proof. intros. unfold appr. unfold appl. destruct conc_convert.
  apply sc_genNu. auto with sc. Qed.

Lemma sc_appr_nu_indep_left : x P (C:conc), x `notin` fn_agent C conc_wf C
  appr (nu x, P) C =sc= nu x, (appr P C).
Proof. intros. remember (conc_convert C (add x (fn P))) as C'.
  assert (C =Ac= C'). { rewrite HeqC'. apply aeq_conc_convert. } rewrite H1.
  destruct C as [CL CP CQ]; destruct C' as [C'L C'P C'Q].
  symmetry in HeqC'. simpl in HeqC'. forwards: fn_conc_convert_0' HeqC'.
  unfold appr. simpl. repeat (rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; auto; try fsetdec).
  simpl in H. rewrite <- sc_nu_genNu; auto. apply sc_genNu. rewrite sc_scope.
  constructor. rewrite subst_nu_indep. 1,3:reflexivity.
  forwards: fn_conc_convert_1 HeqC'. fsetdec.
  forwards: fn_conc_convert_2 HeqC'. fsetdec.

Lemma sc_appr_nu_indep_right : x (F:abs) C, x `notin` fn F conc_wf C
    nu x, (appr F C) =sc= appr F (conc_new x C).
Proof. intros. remember (conc_convert C (add x (fn F))) as C'.
  assert (C =Ac= C'). { rewrite HeqC'. apply aeq_conc_convert. } rewrite H1.
  destruct C' as [L' P' Q']. destruct C as [L P Q]. unfold conc_new. simpl.
  assert (conc_wf (conc_def L' P' Q')). { rewrite HeqC'; auto. }
  assert (inter (list_to_fs L') (add x (fn F)) [=] empty).
    { eapply fn_conc_convert_0'. symmetry; eauto. }
  rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; auto; try fsetdec. case_if;
    unfold appr; simpl; repeat (rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; auto; try fsetdec).
  - case_if; try fsetdec. simpl. reflexivity.
  - rewrite <- sc_nu_genNu; auto. apply sc_genNu. rewrite sc_par_comm.
    rewrite (sc_par_comm _ (nu x, Q')). constructor. rewrite fn_subst. fsetdec.

Lemma sc_appr_par_shift_right : P Q (C:conc), conc_wf C
  appr (P// shiftV Q) C =sc= appr P C // Q.
Proof. intros. remember (conc_convert C (union (fn (shiftV Q)) (fn P))) as C'.
  assert (C =Ac= C'). { rewrite HeqC'. apply aeq_conc_convert. } rewrite H0.
  destruct C as [CL CP CQ]; destruct C' as [C'L C'P C'Q].
  symmetry in HeqC'. simpl in HeqC'. forwards: fn_conc_convert_0' HeqC'.
  unfold appr. simpl. repeat (rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; auto; try fsetdec).
  rewrite subst_par. rewrite subst_shift. rewrite <- sc_scope_genNu.
  apply sc_genNu. eauto with sc. simpl_swap in H1. fsetdec.

Lemma sc_appr_par_shift_left : P Q (C:conc), conc_wf C
  appr (shiftV Q // P) C =sc= Q // appr P C.
Proof. intros. remember (conc_convert C (union (fn (shiftV Q)) (fn P))) as C'.
  assert (C =Ac= C'). { rewrite HeqC'. apply aeq_conc_convert. } rewrite H0.
  destruct C as [CL CP CQ]; destruct C' as [C'L C'P C'Q].
  symmetry in HeqC'. simpl in HeqC'. forwards: fn_conc_convert_0' HeqC'.
  unfold appr. simpl. repeat (rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; auto; try fsetdec).
  rewrite subst_par. rewrite (sc_par_comm Q). rewrite subst_shift.
  rewrite <- sc_scope_genNu. apply sc_genNu. eauto with sc.
  simpl_swap in H1. fsetdec.

Lemma sc_appr_conc_parl : F P (C:conc), conc_wf C
  appr F C // P =sc= appr F (conc_parl C P).
Proof. intros. remember (conc_convert C (union (fn P) (fn F))) as CR.
  assert (C =Ac= CR). { rewrite HeqCR. apply aeq_conc_convert. } rewrite H0.
  assert (conc_wf CR). { rewrite HeqCR. auto. }
  destruct CR as [CRL CRP CRQ]; destruct C as [CL CP CR].
  simpls. symmetry in HeqCR. forwards: fn_conc_convert_0' HeqCR.
  unfold conc_parl. simpl. rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; [ | auto| fsetdec].
  unfold appr. simpl. repeat (rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; [ | auto| fsetdec]).
  rewrite <- sc_scope_genNu. 2:fsetdec. apply sc_genNu. auto with sc.

Lemma sc_appr_conc_parr : F P (C:conc), conc_wf C
  P // appr F C =sc= appr F (conc_parr P C).
Proof. intros. remember (conc_convert C (union (fn P) (fn F))) as CR.
  assert (C =Ac= CR). { rewrite HeqCR. apply aeq_conc_convert. } rewrite H0.
  assert (conc_wf CR). { rewrite HeqCR. auto. }
  destruct CR as [CRL CRP CRQ]; destruct C as [CL CP CR].
  simpls. symmetry in HeqCR. forwards: fn_conc_convert_0' HeqCR.
  unfold conc_parr. simpl. rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; [ | auto| fsetdec].
  unfold appr. simpl. repeat (rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; [ | auto| fsetdec]).
  rewrite sc_par_comm. rewrite <- sc_scope_genNu. apply sc_genNu. eauto with sc. fsetdec.

Definition sc0 := (@struct_congr Empty_set).
Notation "P =sc0= Q" := (sc0 P Q) (at level 70, no associativity).

Hint Unfold sc0:sc.

Lemma sc0_trans : trans sc0.
Proof. intros_all. rewrite H. auto. Qed.

Lemma sc0_sym : sym sc0.
Proof. intros_all. auto with sc. Qed.

Lemma sc0_refl : refl sc0.
Proof. intros_all. auto with sc. Qed.

Hint Resolve sc0_trans sc0_sym:sc.

Lemma struct_congr_sim' {V : Set} : P Q f, @struct_congr V P Q
   l A, lts (mapV f P) l A
   A', lts (mapV f Q) l A' sim_test struct_congr A A'.
Proof. intros P Q f Hsc. induction Hsc; intros.

  - simpls; inversion H; subst.
    + (parl (parl A0 (mapV f Q)) (mapV f R)).
      split. constructor. constructor. auto. destruct_agent_sim A0.
      constructor. unsimpl (shiftV (mapV f Q // mapV f R)).
        repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. constructor.
        repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto. constructor.
    + inversion H4; subst.
    × eexists. split. constructor. constructor 4. eauto.
      destruct_agent_sim A.
      rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto.
        rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. constructor.
        rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto.
        repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto.
        repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto. constructor.
    × eexists. split. constructor 4. eauto. destruct_agent_sim A.
      constructor. unsimpl (shiftV (mapV f P // mapV f Q)).
        repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto. constructor.
        repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto. constructor.
    × eexists. split. constructor 6 with a.
      eapply lts_parr'; eauto with sc. reflexivity. eauto.
      simpl. constructor. repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_appl. apply sc_appr_conc_parr; auto.
    × eexists. split. constructor 7 with a.
      eapply lts_parr'; eauto with sc. reflexivity. eauto.
      simpl. constructor. symmetry. apply sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto.
    + inversion H5; subst; destructA A; inversion H6; subst.
    × eexists. split. constructor. constructor 6 with a; eauto.
      simpl. constructor. repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_appl. apply sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto.
    × eexists. split. constructor 6 with a. eapply lts_parl'; eauto.
      reflexivity. eauto. constructor. repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_appl.
      rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto. rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto.
    + inversion H5; subst; destructA A; inversion H6; subst.
    × eexists. split. constructor. constructor 7 with a; eauto.
      simpl. constructor. symmetry. apply sc_appr_conc_parl; auto.
    × eexists. split. constructor 7 with a. eapply lts_parl'; eauto.
      reflexivity. eauto. constructor; auto. rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto.
      rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. constructor.

  - simpls; inversion H; subst.
    + inversion H4; subst.
    × eexists. split. constructor. eauto. destruct_agent_sim A.
      constructor. unsimpl (shiftV (mapV f Q // mapV f R)).
      repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. constructor.
        repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto. constructor.
    × eexists. split. constructor 4. constructor. eauto.
      destruct_agent_sim A. constructor.
      rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto.
        rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. constructor.
        rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto.
        repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto.
        repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto. constructor.
    × eexists. split. constructor 6 with a. eauto.
      eapply lts_parl'; eauto with sc. reflexivity.
      simpl. constructor. repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_appl.
      symmetry. apply sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto.
    × eexists. split. constructor 7 with a. eauto.
      eapply lts_parl'; eauto with sc. reflexivity. simpl. constructor.
      apply sc_appr_conc_parl; auto.
    + eexists. split. constructor 4. constructor 4. eauto.
      destruct_agent_sim A0. constructor.
      unsimpl (shiftV (mapV f P // mapV f Q)).
        repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto. constructor.
        repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto. constructor.
    + inversion H2; subst; destructA A; inversion H6; subst.
    × eexists. split. constructor 6 with a; eauto. eapply lts_parr'; eauto.
      reflexivity. constructor. repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_appl.
      rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto. rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto. constructor.
    × eexists. split. constructor 4. constructor 6 with a; eauto.
      constructor. repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_appl.
      symmetry. apply sc_appr_conc_parr; auto.
    + inversion H2; subst; destructA A; inversion H6; subst.
    × eexists. split. constructor 7 with a; eauto. eapply lts_parr'; eauto.
      reflexivity. constructor. rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto.
      rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. constructor.
    × eexists. split. constructor 4. constructor 7 with a; eauto.
      simpl. constructor. apply sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto.

  - simpls. inversion H; subst.
    + (parr (mapV f Q) A0). split. auto with hopi.
      destruct_agent_sim A0.
      × eauto with sc.
      × rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto with sc.
      × rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto. rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto with sc.
    + (parl A0 (mapV f P)). split. auto with hopi.
      destruct_agent_sim A0.
      × eauto with sc.
      × rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto with sc.
      × rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto. rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto with sc.
    + (ag_proc (appr F C)). split. constructor 7 with a; auto.
      constructor. symmetry; apply sc_appr_appl.
    + (ag_proc (appl C F)). split. constructor 6 with a; auto.
      constructor. apply sc_appr_appl.

  - inversion H; subst; try solve [inversion H5];
      try solve [inversion H4]. eexists; intuition eauto. destruct_agent_sim A0.
    + eauto with sc.
    + asserts_rewrite (PO = (mapV (@VS Empty_set)) PO).
      { simpl. auto. } rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto with sc.
    + rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto with sc.
  - eexists. split. simpl. eauto with hopi.
      destruct_agent_sim A.
    + eauto with sc.
    + asserts_rewrite (PO = (mapV (@VS Empty_set)) PO).
      { simpl. auto. } rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto with sc.
    + rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto with sc.

  - simpls. inversion H0; subst.
    inversion H6; subst.
    + (parl (new a A) (mapV f Q)). split. eauto with hopi.
    destruct_agent_sim A.
      × constructor. simpl_swap.
      × pick fresh x. assert (xa) by fsetdec.
        repeat rewrite (aeq_nu_diff a x); auto.
          3,5:rewrite swap_invo; reflexivity. 2-3:simpl; simpl_swap.
        rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto.
        repeat (rewrite sc_appr_nu_indep_left; auto; simpl; try fsetdec).
        rewrite swap_shiftV. rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto.
        rewrites (>>aeq_swap_indep (mapV f Q)); simpl_swap.
        constructor. simpl_swap.
      × pick fresh x. assert (xa) by fsetdec.
        repeat rewrite (aeq_conc_new_2 _ a x); simpl; auto.
          2: unfold conc_parl; destruct conc_convert eqn:?; simpls;
          forwards: fn_conc_convert_1 Heqc; forwards: fn_conc_convert_2 Heqc;
          simpl_swap; fsetdec.
        rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto.
        repeat (rewrite <- sc_appr_nu_indep_right; [ | simpl; fsetdec | ]); auto.
        rewrite swap_conc_parl. rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto.
        rewrites (>>aeq_swap_indep (mapV f Q)); simpl_swap.
        constructor. simpl_swap.
    + (parr (nu a, (mapV f P)) A). split. eauto with hopi.
    destruct_agent_sim A; try (assert (a `notin` fn p) by
        (rewrites (>>lts_fn H7); simpl_swap)).
      × constructor; auto.
      × pick fresh x. assert (xa) by fsetdec. repeat rewrite (aeq_nu_diff a x).
          4,7:rewrite swap_invo; reflexivity. 2,4:auto. 2,3:simpl; simpl_swap.
        rewrite sc_appr_nu_indep_left; simpl; auto.
        rewrite swap_shiftV. unsimpl (shiftV (nu x, (swap a x (mapV f P)))).
        repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto. rewrites (>>aeq_swap_indep p); auto.
        constructor. rewrite fn_appr. simpl. fsetdec.
      × pick fresh x. assert (xa) by fsetdec. rewrite (aeq_nu_diff a x).
          4:rewrite swap_invo; reflexivity. 2:auto. 2:simpl_swap.
        repeat rewrite (aeq_conc_new_2 _ a x); simpl; auto.
          2: unfold conc_parr; destruct conc_convert eqn:?; simpls;
          forwards: fn_conc_convert_1 Heqc; forwards: fn_conc_convert_2 Heqc;
          simpl_swap; fsetdec.
        rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto. rewrites <- (>>sc_appr_nu_indep_right); auto.
          rewrite swap_conc_parr. rewrite aeq_conc_swap_indep; auto. 2:simpl; fsetdec.
          2:rewrites (>>lts_fn H7); simpl_swap.
        rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto.
        constructor. rewrite fn_appr; simpl; fsetdec.
    + assert (aa0).
        { forwards: notin_fn_notin_fnlab H8. simpl_swap. simpls. fsetdec. }
       (ag_proc (appl (conc_new a C) F)). split.
      constructor 6 with a0; try unsimpl (new a C); eauto with hopi.
      simpl; constructor. repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_appl. apply sc_appr_nu_indep_right; auto.
      rewrites (>>lts_fn H8). simpl_swap.
    + assert (aa0).
        { forwards: notin_fn_notin_fnlab H8. simpl_swap. simpls. fsetdec. }
       (ag_proc (appr (nu a, F) C)). split.
      constructor 7 with a0; try unsimpl (new a (ag_abs F)); eauto with hopi.
      simpl; constructor. symmetry. apply sc_appr_nu_indep_left; auto.
      rewrites (>>lts_fn H8). simpl_swap.

  - simpls. inversion H0; subst.
    + inversion H5; subst. (new a (parl A (mapV f Q))).
      split. eauto with hopi.
      destruct_agent_sim A.
      × constructor. simpl_swap.
      × pick fresh x. assert (xa) by fsetdec. symmetry.
        repeat rewrite (aeq_nu_diff a x).
          4,7:rewrite swap_invo; reflexivity. 2,4:auto. 2,3:simpl; simpl_swap.
        rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto.
        repeat (rewrite sc_appr_nu_indep_left; auto; simpl; try fsetdec).
        rewrite swap_shiftV. rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto.
        rewrites (>>aeq_swap_indep (mapV f Q)); simpl_swap.
        constructor. simpl_swap.
      × pick fresh x. assert (xa) by fsetdec. symmetry.
        repeat rewrite (aeq_conc_new_2 _ a x); simpl; auto.
          2: unfold conc_parl; destruct conc_convert eqn:?; simpls;
          forwards: fn_conc_convert_1 Heqc; forwards: fn_conc_convert_2 Heqc;
          simpl_swap; fsetdec.
        rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto.
        repeat (rewrite <- sc_appr_nu_indep_right; [ | simpl; fsetdec | ]); auto.
        rewrite swap_conc_parl. rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto.
        rewrites (>>aeq_swap_indep (mapV f Q)); simpl_swap.
        constructor. simpl_swap.
    + (new a (parr (mapV f P) A0)). split. constructor.
      eapply notin_fn_notin_fnlab; eauto. simpl_swap.
      eauto with hopi. destruct_agent_sim A0; try (assert (a `notin` fn p) by
        (rewrites (>>lts_fn H5); simpl_swap)).
      × constructor; auto.
      × pick fresh x. assert (xa) by fsetdec. symmetry.
        repeat rewrite (aeq_nu_diff a x).
          4,7:rewrite swap_invo; reflexivity. 2,4:auto. 2,3:simpl; simpl_swap.
        rewrite sc_appr_nu_indep_left; simpl; auto.
        rewrite swap_shiftV. unsimpl (shiftV (nu x, (swap a x (mapV f P)))).
        repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto. rewrites (>>aeq_swap_indep p); auto.
        constructor. rewrite fn_appr. simpl. fsetdec.
      × pick fresh x. assert (xa) by fsetdec. symmetry. rewrite (aeq_nu_diff a x).
          4:rewrite swap_invo; reflexivity. 2:auto. 2:simpl_swap.
        repeat rewrite (aeq_conc_new_2 _ a x); simpl; auto.
          2: unfold conc_parr; destruct conc_convert eqn:?; simpls;
          forwards: fn_conc_convert_1 Heqc; forwards: fn_conc_convert_2 Heqc;
          simpl_swap; fsetdec.
        rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto. rewrites <- (>>sc_appr_nu_indep_right); auto.
        rewrite swap_conc_parr. rewrite aeq_conc_swap_indep; auto. 2:simpl; fsetdec.
          2:rewrites (>>lts_fn H5); simpl_swap.
        rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto.
        constructor. rewrite fn_appr; simpl; fsetdec.
    + assert (aa0).
        { forwards: notin_fn_notin_fnlab H6. simpl_swap. simpls. fsetdec. }
      inversion H3; subst. destruct A; inversion H5; clear H5.
       (new a (ag_proc (appl c F))). split. constructor. fsetdec.
      constructor 6 with a0; eauto with hopi.
      simpl; constructor. repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_appl. symmetry.
      apply sc_appr_nu_indep_right; auto. rewrites (>>lts_fn H6). simpl_swap.
    + assert (aa0).
        { forwards: notin_fn_notin_fnlab H6. simpl_swap. simpls. fsetdec. }
      inversion H3; subst. destruct A as [ | | ]; inversion H5; clear H5.
      eexists. split. constructor. fsetdec. constructor 7 with a0; eauto with sc.
      simpl; constructor; auto. apply sc_appr_nu_indep_left; auto.
      rewrites (>>lts_fn H6). simpl_swap.

  - inversion H; try solve [inversion H5]; try solve [inversion H6].
  - inversion H.

  - inversion H; subst. inversion H5; subst; simpl.
     (new b (new a A)). split; intuition eauto with hopi.
    destruct (a==b);subst. destruct_agent_sim A; reflexivity. destruct_agent_sim A.
    + constructor.
    + clears V l. pick fresh x. assert (ax) by fsetdec; assert (bx) by fsetdec.
      pick fresh y. assert (ay) by fsetdec; assert (by) by fsetdec;
      assert (xy) by fsetdec. repeat rewrite (aeq_nu_diff a x).
        4,7:rewrite swap_invo; reflexivity. 2,4:auto. 2,3:simpl; simpl_swap.
      repeat rewrite (aeq_nu_diff b y). 4,7:rewrite swap_invo; reflexivity.
        2,4:auto. 2,3:simpl; simpl_swap; simpl_swap_aux.
      repeat (rewrite sc_appr_nu_indep_left; simpl; auto); simpl_swap_aux.
        rewrite swap_indep; auto. constructor.
    + forwards: lts_conc_wf H7. clears V l. pick fresh x. assert (ax) by fsetdec;
      assert (bx) by fsetdec. pick fresh y. assert (ay) by fsetdec;
      assert (by) by fsetdec; assert (xy) by fsetdec.
      repeat rewrite (aeq_conc_new_2 _ a x); auto.
        2-3: try rewrite fn_conc_new; simpl; fsetdec.
      repeat rewrite (aeq_conc_new_2 _ b y); auto.
        2-3: try rewrite fn_conc_new; simpl_swap; simpl_swap_aux; fsetdec.
      repeat rewrite swap_conc_new; simpl_swap_aux. repeat rewrite <-
        sc_appr_nu_indep_right; auto. rewrite swap_list_indep; auto.
      repeat rewrite (swap_indep _ b); auto. constructor.

  - inversion H.
  - inversion H.

  - simpls; inversion H; subst.
    + forwards: IHHsc1 H4. destruct_hyps.
      eexists. splits; eauto with hopi. destructA A0; destructA x;
      inversion H1; subst; simpl; constructor; intros_all.
      × apply sc_par; eauto with sc.
      × repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_right; auto. apply sc_par; eauto with sc.
      × repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parl; auto. apply sc_par; eauto with sc.
    + forwards: IHHsc2 H4. destruct_hyps.
      eexists. splits; eauto with hopi. destructA A0; destructA x;
      inversion H1; subst; simpl; constructor; intros_all.
      × apply sc_par; eauto with sc.
      × repeat rewrite sc_appr_par_shift_left; auto. apply sc_par; eauto with sc.
      × repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_conc_parr; auto. apply sc_par; eauto with sc.
    + forwards: IHHsc1 H2. forwards: IHHsc2 H5. destruct_hyps.
      inversion H3; inversion H4; subst.
      eexists. split; eauto with hopi. simpl; constructor.
      repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_appl. apply transitivity with (appr F' C); auto.
    + forwards: IHHsc1 H2. forwards: IHHsc2 H5. destruct_hyps.
      inversion H3; inversion H4; subst.
      eexists. split; eauto with hopi. simpl; constructor.
      apply transitivity with (appr F' C); auto.

  - simpls; inversion H; subst.
    eexists; splits; eauto with hopi. constructor. intros.
    remember (conc_convert C (union (fn (mapV (incV_map f) P)) (fn (mapV (incV_map f) Q)))) as C'.
    asserts_rewrite (C =Ac= C'). { subst. apply aeq_conc_convert. }
    assert (conc_wf C'). { subst; auto. }
    unfold appr. destruct C' as [L' P' Q']; destruct C as [CL CP CQ]. simpls.
    symmetry in HeqC'. forwards: fn_conc_convert_0' HeqC'.
    repeat (rewrite conc_convert_indep_wf; [ | auto | fsetdec]).
    apply sc_genNu. constructor; try reflexivity. unfold subst.
    rewrites (>>aeq_bind_2 (union (union (fn (mapV (incV_map f) P)) (fn P'))
      (fn (mapV (incV_map f) Q)))). 2,4:fsetdec. 1-2: intros [|x]; simpl; fsetdec.
    rewrites (>>aeq_bind_2 (union (fn (mapV (incV_map f) Q)) (fn P'))
      (union (union (fn (mapV (incV_map f) P)) (fn P')) (fn (mapV (incV_map f) Q)))).
      2,4:fsetdec. 1-2: intros [|x]; simpl; fsetdec.
    apply sc_bind. auto with sc. fsetdec.
    intros [|x]; simpl; fsetdec. intro; reflexivity.

  - simpls; inversion H; subst.
    eexists; splits; eauto with hopi. constructor. intros F.
    unfold appr. simpl. apply sc_par; auto with sc. unfold subst.
    rewrites (>>aeq_bind_2 (union (union (fn F) (fn (mapV f P))) (fn (mapV f Q)))).
      2,4:fsetdec. 1-2: intros [|x]; simpl; fsetdec.
    rewrites (>>aeq_bind_2 (union (fn F) (fn (mapV f Q)))
      (union (union (fn F) (fn (mapV f P))) (fn (mapV f Q)))).
      2,4:fsetdec. 1-2: intros [|x]; simpl; fsetdec.
    apply sc_bind. reflexivity. fsetdec. intros [|x]; simpl; fsetdec.
    intros [|x]; simpl; auto with sc.

  - inversion H; subst. forwards: IHHsc H5. destruct_hyps.
    eexists; intuition (simpl; eauto with hopi).
    destructA A0; destructA x; inversion H1; subst; constructor; try intros.
    + auto with sc.
    + pick fresh x. forwards: H7 (swap_c a x C); auto.
      apply (swap_struct_congr _ a x) in H4.
      repeat rewrite swap_appr in H4. subst; simpl_swap in H4.
      repeat rewrite (aeq_nu_diff a x).
          4,7:rewrite swap_invo; reflexivity. 2,4:auto. 2,3: simpl_swap.
      repeat (rewrite sc_appr_nu_indep_left; auto; try fsetdec).
      constructor; auto.
    + pick fresh x. forwards: H7 (swap a x F). apply (swap_struct_congr _ a x) in H3.
      repeat rewrite swap_appr in H3. subst; simpl_swap in H3.
      repeat rewrite (aeq_conc_new_2 _ a x); auto. 2-3:simpl; fsetdec.
      repeat rewrite <- sc_appr_nu_indep_right; auto. constructor; auto.

  - forwards: aeq_lts_2 H0. apply aeq_mapV. eauto.
      destruct_hyps. eexists; intuition eauto with hopi.
      destructA A; inversion H1; inversion H5; subst; constructor; intros_all;
        rewrite H4; reflexivity.

  - forwards: IHHsc1 H; destruct_hyps.
    forwards: IHHsc2 H0; destruct_hyps. eexists; intuition eauto.
    eapply sim_test_trans; eauto. intros_all. rewrite H4; auto.


Lemma struct_congr_sim: simulation sc0.
Proof. apply late_implies_sim. intros_all.
  forwards: @struct_congr_sim' H. rewrite mapV_id. eauto.
  destruct_hyps. rewrite mapV_id in H1. eexists; eauto.

Lemma struct_congr_bisim: bisimulation sc0.
Proof. apply sim_sym_imply_bisim. apply struct_congr_sim. apply sc0_sym. Qed.

Lemma oe_sc0 : Rel,
    mod_aeq Rel Rincl sc0 Rel Rincl sc0 (open_extension Rel).
Proof. intros_all. apply oe_proc0; auto. Qed.

Simulation up to SC

Definition simulation_up_to_sc (Rel: binary proc0) : Prop :=
   P Q, Rel P Q test_proc (sc0 ° Rel ° sc0) P Q
                         test_abs (sc0 ° Rel ° sc0) P Q
                         test_conc (sc0 ° Rel ° sc0) P Q.

Definition bisimulation_up_to_sc (Rel : binary proc0) : Prop :=
  (simulation_up_to_sc Rel) (simulation_up_to_sc (inverse Rel)).

Lemma up_to_sc_sim : Rel, simulation_up_to_sc Rel
       simulation (sc0 ° Rel ° sc0).
  intros Rel Hsim. intros_all. inverts H. destruct H0.
  inverts H0. destruct H1. destruct struct_congr_bisim.
  forwards*: H2 P x H. forwards*: H2 x0 Q.
  specialize (Hsim x x0 H0).
  splits; intros; forwards_test sc0; forwards_test (sc0 ° Rel ° sc0);
      forwards_test sc0; eexists; intuition (try eassumption);
    destruct_comp; x1; split; eauto with sc; x2; eauto with sc.

Lemma up_to_sc_sound : Rel, bisimulation_up_to_sc Rel
     Rincl Rel bisimilarity.
  intros_all. inverts H. (sc0 ° Rel ° sc0).
  split. split. apply up_to_sc_sim; auto.
  - replace (inverse (sc0 ° Rel ° sc0)) with (sc0 ° inverse Rel ° sc0).
      apply up_to_sc_sim; auto.
    repeat (rewrite comp_trans).
    asserts_rewrite (inverse sc0 = sc0).
      rewrite inverse_sym; auto with sc.
    apply comp_assoc.
  - x. split. reflexivity. y. intuition.